Source code for polyswarm_api.resources

import logging
import os
import io
import functools
import requests
from enum import Enum
from hashlib import sha256 as _sha256, sha1 as _sha1, md5 as _md5

    from urllib.parse import urlparse
except ImportError:
    from urlparse import urlparse

from future.utils import raise_from, string_types

# Windows might rase an OSError instead of an ImportError like this
# OSError: [WinError 193] %1 is not a valid Win32 application
    import yara
except (ImportError, OSError):
[docs] yara = None
from polyswarm_api import exceptions, core, settings
[docs]logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
##################################################################### # Resources returned by the API #####################################################################
[docs]class Engine(core.BaseJsonResource):
[docs] RESOURCE_ENDPOINT = '/microengines'
def __init__(self, content, api=None): super(Engine, self).__init__(content=content, api=api) = str(content['id']) = content['name'] try: self.address = content['address'].lower() except: self.address = None account_number = content.get('accountNumber') self.account_number = str(account_number) if account_number else None self.engine_type = content.get('engineType', 'microengine') self.is_microengine = self.engine_type == 'microengine' self.is_arbiter = self.engine_type == 'arbiter' self.status = content.get('status', 'disabled') self.verified = self.status == 'verified' # These fields can be `null`; don't replace w/ default value in `get()` self.artifact_types = set(content.get('artifactTypes') or []) self.tags = set(content.get('tags') or []) self.communities = set(content.get('communities') or []) self.mimetypes = set(content.get('mimeTypes') or []) self.created_at = core.parse_isoformat(content.get('createdAt')) self.modified_at = core.parse_isoformat(content.get('modifiedAt')) self.archived_at = core.parse_isoformat(content.get('archivedAt')) @classmethod
[docs] def _list_headers(cls, api): return {'Authorization': None}
[docs] def __hash__(self): return hash(
[docs] def __eq__(self, other): return == if isinstance(other, Engine) else False
[docs] def __repr__(self): return '{}(name={}, address={}, status={}, engine_type={})'.format( self.__class__.__name__,, self.address, self.status, self.engine_type,
[docs]class ToolMetadata(core.BaseJsonResource):
[docs] RESOURCE_ENDPOINT = '/artifact/metadata'
[docs]class MetadataMapping(core.BaseJsonResource):
[docs] RESOURCE_ENDPOINT = '/search/metadata/mappings'
[docs]class Metadata(core.BaseJsonResource):
[docs] RESOURCE_ENDPOINT = '/search/metadata/query'
[docs] KNOWN_KEYS = {'artifact', 'exiftool', 'hash', 'lief', 'pefile', 'scan', 'strings'}
def __init__(self, content, api=None): super(Metadata, self).__init__(content=content, api=api) self.created = core.parse_isoformat(self.artifact.get('created')) = self._get('') self.sha1 = self._get('artifact.sha1') self.sha256 = self._get('artifact.sha256') self.md5 = self._get('artifact.md5') self.ssdeep = self._get('hash.ssdeep') self.tlsh = self._get('hash.tlsh') self.first_seen = core.parse_isoformat(self._get('scan.first_scan.created')) self.last_scanned = core.parse_isoformat(self._get('scan.latest_scan.created')) self.mimetype = self._get('scan.mimetype.mime') self.extended_mimetype = self._get('scan.mimetype.extended') self.malicious = self._get('scan.detections.malicious') self.benign = self._get('scan.detections.benign') self.total_detections = self._get('') self.filenames = self._get('scan.filename') = self._get('') self.ipv4 = self._get('strings.ipv4') self.ipv6 = self._get('strings.ipv6') self.urls = self._get('strings.urls')
[docs] def __contains__(self, item): return item in self.json
[docs] def __getattr__(self, name): try: return self.json[name] except KeyError: if name in Metadata.KNOWN_KEYS: return {} raise AttributeError()
[docs] def _get_params(cls, **kwargs): params = [] include = kwargs.pop('include', ()) or () exclude = kwargs.pop('exclude', ()) or () ips = kwargs.pop('ips', ()) or () urls = kwargs.pop('urls', ()) or () domains = kwargs.pop('domains', ()) or () params.extend(('include', v) for v in include) params.extend(('exclude', v) for v in exclude) params.extend(('ips', v) for v in ips) params.extend(('urls', v) for v in urls) params.extend(('domains', v) for v in domains) super_params, json_params = super(Metadata, cls)._get_params(**kwargs) params.extend(super_params.items()) return params, json_params
[docs]class IOC(core.BaseJsonResource):
[docs] RESOURCE_ENDPOINT = '/ioc'
[docs] def iocs_by_hash(cls, api, hash_value, hash_type, hide_known_good=False): return core.PolyswarmRequest( api, { 'method': 'GET', 'url': '{}/ioc/{}/{}'.format(api.uri, hash_type, hash_value), 'params': { 'hide_known_good': hide_known_good, 'community':, }, }, result_parser=cls,
).execute() @classmethod ).execute() @classmethod
[docs] def check_known_hosts(cls, api, ips, domains): return core.PolyswarmRequest( api, { 'method': 'GET', 'url': '{}/ioc/known'.format(api.uri), 'params': { 'ip': ips, 'domain': domains } }, result_parser=cls,
).execute() @classmethod
[docs] def create_known_good(cls, api, type, host, source): return core.PolyswarmRequest( api, { 'method': 'POST', 'url': '{}/ioc/known'.format(api.uri), 'json': { 'type': type, 'host': host, 'source': source, 'good': True } }, result_parser=cls,
).execute() @classmethod
[docs] def update_known_good(cls, api, id, type, host, source, good): return core.PolyswarmRequest( api, { 'method': 'PUT', 'url': '{}/ioc/known'.format(api.uri), 'json': { 'id': id, 'type': type, 'host': host, 'source': source, 'good': good } }, result_parser=cls,
).execute() @classmethod
[docs] def delete_known_good(cls, api, id): return core.PolyswarmRequest( api, { 'method': 'DELETE', 'url': '{}/ioc/known'.format(api.uri), 'params': { 'id': id } }, result_parser=cls,
[docs]class ArtifactInstance(core.BaseJsonResource, core.Hashable):
[docs] RESOURCE_ENDPOINT = '/instance'
def __init__(self, content, api=None): super(ArtifactInstance, self).__init__(content=content, api=api, hash_value=content['sha256'], hash_type='sha256') # Artifact fields self.sha256 = content['sha256'] self.artifact_id = content.get('artifact_id') self.md5 = content['md5'] self.sha1 = content['sha1'] self.mimetype = content['mimetype'] self.size = content['size'] self.extended_type = content['extended_type'] self.first_seen = core.parse_isoformat(content['first_seen']) self.upload_url = content['upload_url'] # Deprecated self.last_seen = core.parse_isoformat(content.get('last_seen')) self.last_scanned = core.parse_isoformat(content.get('last_scanned')) metadata_json = content.get('metadata') or [] metadata = {metadata['tool']: metadata['tool_metadata'] for metadata in metadata_json} self.metadata = Metadata(metadata, api) # ArtifactInstance fields = content.get('id') self.assertions = [Assertion(a, api=api, scanfile=self) for a in content.get('assertions', [])] = content.get('country') = content.get('community') self.created = core.parse_isoformat(content.get('created')) self.failed = content.get('failed') self.filename = content.get('filename') self.result = content.get('result') self.type = content.get('type') self.votes = [Vote(v, api=api, scanfile=self) for v in content.get('votes', [])] self.window_closed = content.get('window_closed') self.polyscore = float(content['polyscore']) if content.get('polyscore') is not None else None self.permalink = settings.DEFAULT_PERMALINK_BASE + '/' + str(self.hash) + '/' + str( self._malicious_assertions = None self._benign_assertions = None self._valid_assertions = None
[docs] def upload_file(self, artifact, attempts=3, **kwargs): if not self.upload_url: raise exceptions.InvalidValueException('upload_url must be set to upload a file') if not artifact: raise exceptions.InvalidValueException('A LocalArtifact must be provided in order to upload') r = None while attempts > 0 and not r: attempts -= 1, io.SEEK_END) length = artifact.tell() # # We have to manually handle the case when the file is empty # in a way that requests won't set Transfer-Encoding: chunked if not length: artifact = '' r = requests.put(self.upload_url, data=artifact, **kwargs) r.raise_for_status() return r
[docs] def exists_hash(cls, api, hash_value, hash_type): return core.PolyswarmRequest( api, { 'method': 'HEAD', 'url': '{}/search/hash/{}'.format(api.uri, hash_type), 'params': { 'hash': hash_value, 'community':,
}, }, ).execute() @classmethod
[docs] def search_hash(cls, api, hash_value, hash_type): return core.PolyswarmRequest( api, { 'method': 'GET', 'url': '{}/search/hash/{}'.format(api.uri, hash_type), 'params': { 'hash': hash_value, 'community':, }, }, result_parser=cls,
).execute() @classmethod
[docs] def search_url(cls, api, url): return core.PolyswarmRequest( api, { 'method': 'GET', 'url': '{}/search/url'.format(api.uri), 'params': { 'url': url, 'community':, }, }, result_parser=cls,
).execute() @classmethod
[docs] def list_scans(cls, api, hash_value): return core.PolyswarmRequest( api, { 'method': 'GET', 'url': '{}/search/instances'.format(api.uri), 'params': { 'hash': hash_value, 'community':, }, }, result_parser=cls,
).execute() @classmethod
[docs] def submit(cls, api, artifact, artifact_name, artifact_type, scan_config=None): parameters = { 'method': 'POST', 'url': '{}/consumer/submission/{}'.format(api.uri,, 'files': { 'file': (artifact_name, artifact), }, # very oddly, when included in files parameter this errors out 'data': { 'artifact-type': artifact_type, } } if scan_config: parameters['data']['scan-config'] = scan_config return core.PolyswarmRequest( api, parameters, result_parser=cls,
).execute() @classmethod
[docs] def rescan(cls, api, hash_value, hash_type, scan_config=None): parameters = { 'method': 'POST', 'url': '{}/consumer/submission/{}/rescan/{}/{}'.format(api.uri,, hash_type, hash_value), 'data': { 'community': } } if scan_config: parameters['data']['scan-config'] = scan_config return core.PolyswarmRequest( api, parameters, result_parser=cls,
).execute() @classmethod
[docs] def rescan_id(cls, api, submission_id, scan_config=None): parameters = { 'method': 'POST', 'url': '{}/consumer/submission/{}/rescan/{}'.format(api.uri,, int(submission_id)), } if scan_config: parameters.setdefault('data', {})['scan-config'] = scan_config return core.PolyswarmRequest( api, parameters, result_parser=cls,
).execute() @classmethod
[docs] def lookup_uuid(cls, api, submission_id): return core.PolyswarmRequest( api, { 'method': 'GET', 'url': '{}/consumer/submission/{}/{}'.format(api.uri,, int(submission_id)), }, result_parser=cls,
).execute() @classmethod
[docs] def metadata_rerun(cls, api, hashes, analyses=None, skip_es=None): parameters = { 'method': 'POST', 'url': '{}/consumer/metadata'.format(api.uri), 'json': {'hashes': hashes}, } if analyses: parameters['json']['analyses'] = analyses if skip_es: parameters['json']['skip_es'] = skip_es return core.PolyswarmRequest( api, parameters, result_parser=cls,
[docs] def __str__(self): return "ArtifactInstance-<%s>" % self.hash
[docs] def malicious_assertions(self): if not self._malicious_assertions: self._malicious_assertions = [a for a in self.assertions if a.mask and a.verdict] return self._malicious_assertions
[docs] def benign_assertions(self): if not self._benign_assertions: self._benign_assertions = [a for a in self.assertions if a.mask and not a.verdict] return self._benign_assertions
[docs] def valid_assertions(self): if not self._valid_assertions: self._valid_assertions = [a for a in self.assertions if a.mask] return self._valid_assertions
[docs]class ArtifactArchive(core.BaseJsonResource):
[docs] RESOURCE_ENDPOINT = '/consumer/download/stream'
def __init__(self, content, api=None): super(ArtifactArchive, self).__init__(content=content, api=api) = content['id'] = content['community'] self.created = core.parse_isoformat(content['created']) self.uri = content['uri']
[docs]class AssertionsJob(core.BaseJsonResource):
[docs] RESOURCE_ENDPOINT = '/consumer/assertions-job'
def __init__(self, content, api=None): super(AssertionsJob, self).__init__(content=content, api=api) = content['id'] self.engine_id = content['engine_id'] self.created = core.parse_isoformat(content['created']) self.date_start = core.parse_isoformat(content['date_start']) self.date_end = core.parse_isoformat(content['date_end']) self.storage_path = content['storage_path'] self.true_positive = content['true_positive'] self.true_negative = content['true_negative'] self.false_positive = content['false_positive'] self.false_negative = content['false_negative'] self.suspicious = content['suspicious'] self.unknown = content['unknown'] = content['total']
[docs]class VotesJob(core.BaseJsonResource):
[docs] RESOURCE_ENDPOINT = '/consumer/votes-job'
def __init__(self, content, api=None): super(VotesJob, self).__init__(content=content, api=api) = content['id'] self.engine_id = content['engine_id'] self.created = core.parse_isoformat(content['created']) self.date_start = core.parse_isoformat(content['date_start']) self.date_end = core.parse_isoformat(content['date_end']) self.storage_path = content['storage_path'] self.true_positive = content['true_positive'] self.true_negative = content['true_negative'] self.false_positive = content['false_positive'] self.false_negative = content['false_negative'] self.suspicious = content['suspicious'] self.unknown = content['unknown'] = content['total']
[docs]def _read_chunks(file_handle): while True: data = if not data: break yield data
[docs]def all_hashes(file_handle, algorithms=(_sha256, _sha1, _md5)): hashers = [alg() for alg in algorithms] for data in _read_chunks(file_handle): [h.update(data) for h in hashers] return [Hash(h.hexdigest()) for h in hashers]
[docs]class LocalArtifact(core.BaseResource, core.Hashable): """ Artifact for which we have local content """ def __init__(self, response, api=None, handle=None, folder=None, artifact_name=None, artifact_type=None, analyze=False, **kwargs): """ A representation of an artifact we have locally :param artifact_name: Name of the artifact :param artifact_type: Type of artifact :param api: PolyswarmAPI instance :param analyze: Boolean, if True will run analyses on artifact on startup (Note: this may still run later if False) """ # check if we have a destination to store the file # raise an error if we don't have exacltly one if folder and handle: raise exceptions.InvalidValueException('Only one of path or handle should be defined.') if not (folder or handle): raise exceptions.InvalidValueException('At least one of path or handle must be defined.') # initialize super classes and default values super(LocalArtifact, self).__init__(response, api=api, hash_type='sha256') self.sha256 = None self.sha1 = None self.md5 = None self.analyzed = False self.artifact_type = artifact_type or ArtifactType.FILE # resolve the file name if artifact_name: # prioritize explicitly provided name self.artifact_name = artifact_name else: if response: # respect content-disposition if there is a response filename = response.headers.get('content-disposition', '').partition('filename=')[2] if filename: self.artifact_name = filename elif os.path.basename(getattr(handle, 'name', '')): self.artifact_name = os.path.basename(getattr(handle, 'name', '')) else: self.artifact_name = os.path.basename(urlparse(response.url).path) elif os.path.basename(getattr(handle, 'name', '')): # if there is no response and no artifact_name, try to get from the handle self.artifact_name = os.path.basename(getattr(handle, 'name', '')) # resolve the handle to be used # only one of handle or folder can be provided (we checked for this above) # if one was explicitly provided, use it # if we have a folder, use a file named after file_name in that folder # otherwise use an in-memory handle remove_on_error = False try: if folder: # TODO: this should be replaced with os.makedirs(path, exist_ok=True) # once we drop support to python 2.7 if not os.path.exists(folder): try: os.makedirs(folder) except FileExistsError: pass remove_on_error = True self.handle = open(os.path.join(folder, self.artifact_name), mode='wb+', **kwargs) else: self.handle = handle or io.BytesIO() if response: # process the content in the response if available, write to handle for chunk in response.iter_content(settings.DOWNLOAD_CHUNK_SIZE): self.handle.write(chunk) if hasattr(self.handle, 'flush'): self.handle.flush() if analyze: # analyze the artifact in case it is needed self.analyze_artifact() except Exception: try: if remove_on_error and self.handle: # make sure we cleanup the handle # if an exception happened and this is a file we created self.handle.close() os.remove( except Exception: logger.exception('Failed to cleanup the target file.') raise @classmethod
[docs] def download(cls, api, hash_value, hash_type, handle=None, folder=None, artifact_name=None): return core.PolyswarmRequest( api, { 'method': 'GET', 'url': '{}/consumer/download/{}/{}'.format(api.uri, hash_type, hash_value), 'stream': True, 'params': { 'community': }, }, result_parser=cls, handle=handle, folder=folder, artifact_name=artifact_name,
).execute() @classmethod
[docs] def download_id(cls, api, instance_id, handle=None, folder=None, artifact_name=None): return core.PolyswarmRequest( api, { 'method': 'GET', 'url': '{}/instance/download'.format(api.uri), 'stream': True, 'params': {'instance_id': instance_id}, }, result_parser=cls, handle=handle, folder=folder, artifact_name=artifact_name,
).execute() @classmethod
[docs] def download_archive(cls, api, u, handle=None, folder=None, artifact_name=None): """ This method is special, in that it is simply for downloading from S3 """ return core.PolyswarmRequest( api, { 'method': 'GET', 'url': u, 'stream': True, 'headers': {'Authorization': None} }, result_parser=cls, handle=handle, folder=folder, artifact_name=artifact_name,
).execute() # Inspired by #
[docs] def __getattr__(self, name): # Attribute lookups are delegated to the underlying file # and cached for non-numeric results # (i.e. methods are cached, closed and friends are not) a = getattr(self.handle, name) if hasattr(a, '__call__'): func = a @functools.wraps(func) def func_wrapper(*args, **kwargs): return func(*args, **kwargs) a = func_wrapper if not isinstance(a, int): setattr(self, name, a) return a
# # iter() doesn't use __getattr__ to find the __iter__ method
[docs] def __iter__(self): for line in self.handle: yield line
[docs] def from_handle(cls, api, handle, artifact_type=None, analyze=False, artifact_name=None, **kwargs): # create the LocalHandle with the given handle and don't write anything to it return cls(b'', handle=handle, artifact_name=artifact_name, artifact_type=artifact_type, analyze=analyze, api=api)
[docs] def from_path(cls, api, path, artifact_type=None, analyze=False, artifact_name=None, **kwargs): if not isinstance(path, string_types): raise exceptions.InvalidValueException('Path should be a string') artifact_name = artifact_name or os.path.basename(path) handle = open(path, mode='rb', **kwargs) # create the LocalHandle with the given handle and don't write anything to it return cls(b'', handle=handle, artifact_name=artifact_name, artifact_type=artifact_type, analyze=analyze, api=api)
[docs] def from_content(cls, api, content, artifact_name=None, artifact_type=None, analyze=False): if isinstance(content, string_types): content = content.encode("utf8") handle = io.BytesIO(content) # create the LocalHandle with the given handle and don't write anything to it return cls(b'', handle=handle, artifact_name=artifact_name, artifact_type=artifact_type, analyze=analyze, api=api)
[docs] def hash(self): self.analyze_artifact() return super(LocalArtifact, self).hash
[docs] def analyze_artifact(self, force=False): if not self.analyzed or force: self._calc_hashes(self.handle) self._run_analyzers(self.handle) self.analyzed = True # define the hash value only when analyzed self._hash = self.sha256
[docs] def _calc_hashes(self, fh): self.sha256, self.sha1, self.md5 = all_hashes(fh)
[docs] def _run_analyzers(self, fh): # TODO implement custom analyzer support, so users can implement plugins here. return {}
[docs] def __str__(self): return "Artifact <%s>" % self.hash
[docs]class YaraRuleset(core.BaseJsonResource):
[docs] RESOURCE_ENDPOINT = '/hunt/rule'
def __init__(self, content, api=None): super(YaraRuleset, self).__init__(content, api=api) = content.get('id') self.livescan_id = content.get('livescan_id') self.livescan_created = content.get('livescan_created') = content.get('name') self.description = content.get('description') self.created = core.parse_isoformat(content.get('created')) self.modified = core.parse_isoformat(content.get('modified')) self.deleted = content.get('deleted') self.yara = content.get('yara')
[docs]class LiveYaraRuleset(YaraRuleset):
[docs] RESOURCE_ENDPOINT = '/hunt/rule/live'
[docs]class LiveHuntResult(core.BaseJsonResource):
[docs] RESOURCE_ENDPOINT = '/hunt/live'
def __init__(self, content, api=None): super(LiveHuntResult, self).__init__(content=content, api=api) = content['id'] self.livescan_id = content['livescan_id'] self.instance_id = content['instance_id'] self.created = core.parse_isoformat(content['created']) self.sha256 = content['sha256'] self.rule_name = content['rule_name'] self.tags = content['tags'] self.polyscore = content['polyscore'] self.malware_family = content['malware_family'] self.detections = content['detections'] self.yara = content.get('yara') self.download_url = content.get('download_url') = content.get('community')
[docs]class LiveHuntResultList(LiveHuntResult):
[docs] RESOURCE_ENDPOINT = '/hunt/live/list'
[docs]class HistoricalHunt(core.BaseJsonResource):
[docs] RESOURCE_ENDPOINT = '/hunt/historical'
def __init__(self, content, api=None): super(HistoricalHunt, self).__init__(content=content, api=api) # active only present for live hunts = content['id'] self.created = core.parse_isoformat(content['created']) self.status = content['status'] = content.get('active') self.ruleset_name = content.get('ruleset_name') self.yara = content.get('yara') self.summary = content.get('summary') self.progress = content['progress'] self.results_csv_uri = content['results_csv_uri'] self.communities = content.get('communities')
[docs]class HistoricalHuntList(HistoricalHunt):
[docs] RESOURCE_ENDPOINT = '/hunt/historical/list'
[docs]class HistoricalHuntResult(core.BaseJsonResource):
[docs] RESOURCE_ENDPOINT = '/hunt/historical/results'
def __init__(self, content, api=None): super(HistoricalHuntResult, self).__init__(content=content, api=api) = content['id'] self.historicalscan_id = content['historicalscan_id'] self.instance_id = content['instance_id'] self.sha256 = content['sha256'] self.created = core.parse_isoformat(content['created']) self.rule_name = content['rule_name'] self.tags = content['tags'] self.polyscore = content['polyscore'] self.malware_family = content['malware_family'] self.detections = content['detections'] self.download_url = content.get('download_url') = content.get('community')
[docs]class HistoricalHuntResultList(HistoricalHuntResult):
[docs] RESOURCE_ENDPOINT = '/hunt/historical/results/list'
[docs]class MalwareFamily(core.BaseJsonResource):
[docs] RESOURCE_ENDPOINT = '/tags/family'
[docs] RESOURCE_ID_KEYS = ['name']
def __init__(self, content, api=None): super(MalwareFamily, self).__init__(content, api=api) = content.get('id') self.created = core.parse_isoformat(content.get('created')) self.updated = core.parse_isoformat(content.get('updated')) = content.get('name') self.emerging = core.parse_isoformat(content.get('emerging'))
[docs]class Tag(core.BaseJsonResource):
[docs] RESOURCE_ENDPOINT = '/tags/tag'
[docs] RESOURCE_ID_KEYS = ['name']
def __init__(self, content, api=None): super(Tag, self).__init__(content, api=api) = content.get('id') self.created = core.parse_isoformat(content.get('created')) self.updated = core.parse_isoformat(content.get('updated')) = content.get('name')
##################################################################### # Nested Resources #####################################################################
[docs]class Assertion(core.BaseJsonResource): def __init__(self, content, api=None, scanfile=None): super(Assertion, self).__init__(content, api=api) self.scanfile = scanfile = content['author'] self.author_name = content['author_name'] self.engine_name = content['engine'].get('name') = int(content['bid']) self.mask = content['mask'] # deal with metadata being a string instead of null self.metadata = content['metadata'] if content['metadata'] else {} self.verdict = content['verdict']
[docs] def __str__(self): return "Assertion-%s: %s" % (self.engine_name, self.verdict)
[docs]class Vote(core.BaseJsonResource): def __init__(self, content, api=None, scanfile=None): super(Vote, self).__init__(content, api=api) self.scanfile = scanfile self.arbiter = content['arbiter'] = content['vote']
[docs] def __str__(self): return "Vote-%s: %s" % (self.arbiter,
##################################################################### # Resources Used as input parameters in PolyswarmAPI #####################################################################
[docs]class ArtifactType(Enum):
[docs] FILE = 0
[docs] URL = 1
[docs] def parse(value): if isinstance(value, ArtifactType): return value try: return ArtifactType[value.upper()] except Exception as e: raise raise_from( exceptions.InvalidValueException( 'Unable to get the artifact type from the provided value {}'.format(value)), e)
[docs] def to_string(artifact_type): return
[docs] def decode_content(self, content): if content is None: return None if self == ArtifactType.URL: try: return content.decode('utf-8') except UnicodeDecodeError: raise exceptions.DecodeErrorException('Error decoding URL') else: return content
[docs]class Hash(core.Hashable): def __init__(self, hash_, hash_type=None, validate_hash=True): super(Hash, self).__init__(hash_value=hash_, hash_type=hash_type, validate_hash=validate_hash) @classmethod
[docs] def from_hashable(cls, hash_, hash_type=None): """ Coerce to Hashable object :param hash_: Hashable object :param hash_type: Hash type :param polyswarm: PolyswarmAPI instance :return: Hash """ if issubclass(type(hash_), core.Hashable): if hash_type and hash_.hash_type != hash_type: raise exceptions.InvalidValueException('Detected hash type {}, got {} for hashable {}' .format(hash_.hash_type, hash_type, hash_.hash)) return Hash(hash_.hash, hash_type=hash_type) return Hash(hash_, hash_type=hash_type)
[docs] def __hash__(self): return hash(self.hash)
[docs] def __str__(self): return self.hash
[docs] def __repr__(self): return "{}={}".format(self.hash_type, self.hash)
[docs]class SandboxTask(core.BaseJsonResource):
[docs] RESOURCE_ENDPOINT = '/sandbox/sandboxtask'
def __init__(self, content, api=None): super(SandboxTask, self).__init__(content, api=api) = content['id'] = content['community'] self.sandbox = content['sandbox'] self.created = content['created'] self.expiration = content['expiration'] self.status = content['status'] self.account_number = content['account_number'] self.team_account_number = content['team_account_number'] self.instance_id = content['instance_id'] self.sha256 = content['sha256'] = content['report'] self.upload_url = content['upload_url'] self.sandbox_artifacts = [SandboxArtifact(a, api=api) for a in content.get('sandbox_artifacts', [])]
[docs] def upload_file(self, artifact, attempts=3, **kwargs): if not self.upload_url: raise exceptions.InvalidValueException('upload_url must be set to upload a file') if not artifact: raise exceptions.InvalidValueException('A LocalArtifact must be provided in order to upload') r = None while attempts > 0 and not r: attempts -= 1, io.SEEK_END) length = artifact.tell() # # We have to manually handle the case when the file is empty # in a way that requests won't set Transfer-Encoding: chunked if not length: artifact = '' r = requests.put(self.upload_url, data=artifact, **kwargs) r.raise_for_status() return r
[docs] def get(cls, api, **kwargs): return super().get(api,, **kwargs)
[docs] def latest(cls, api, **kwargs): params, _ = cls._get_params(, **kwargs) url = cls._endpoint(api) + '/latest' parameters = {'method': 'GET', 'url': url, 'params': params} return core.PolyswarmRequest(api, parameters, result_parser=cls).execute()
[docs] def my_tasks(cls, api, **kwargs): params, _ = cls._get_params(, **kwargs) url = cls._endpoint(api) + '/my-tasks' parameters = {'method': 'GET', 'url': url, 'params': params} return core.PolyswarmRequest(api, parameters, result_parser=cls).execute()
[docs] def create_file(cls, api, **kwargs): return cls._build_request(api, 'POST', cls._create_endpoint(api, **kwargs) + '/instance', cls._create_headers(api), *cls._create_params(**kwargs)).execute()
[docs] def update_file(cls, api, **kwargs): return cls._build_request(api, 'PUT', cls._update_endpoint(api, **kwargs) + '/instance', cls._update_headers(api), *cls._update_params(**kwargs)).execute()
[docs]class SandboxArtifact(core.BaseJsonResource): def __init__(self, content, api=None): super(SandboxArtifact, self).__init__(content, api=api) self.created = content['created'] = content['id'] self.instance_id = content['instance_id'] = content['name'] self.mimetype = content['mimetype'] self.extended_type = content['extended_type'] self.type = content['type']
[docs]class SandboxProvider(core.BaseJsonResource):
[docs] RESOURCE_ENDPOINT = "/sandbox/provider"
def __init__(self, content, api=None): super(SandboxProvider, self).__init__(content, api=api) self.slug = content['slug'] = content['name'] self.tool = content['tool'] self.vms = content['vms'] @classmethod
[docs] def parse_result(cls, api, content, **kwargs): logger.debug('Parsing resource %s', cls.__name__) return [super(SandboxProvider, cls).parse_result(api, content[slug], **kwargs) for slug in content.keys()]