Source code for polyswarm_api.core

import json
import logging
from copy import deepcopy
from urllib3 import Retry
from binascii import unhexlify
    from json.decoder import JSONDecodeError
except ImportError:
[docs] JSONDecodeError = ValueError
import requests import datetime as dt from dateutil import parser from future.utils import raise_from from requests.adapters import HTTPAdapter from urllib3.exceptions import InsecureRequestWarning from polyswarm_api import settings, exceptions
[docs]logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]class PolyswarmSession(requests.Session): def __init__(self, key, retries, user_agent=settings.DEFAULT_USER_AGENT, verify=True, **kwargs): super(PolyswarmSession, self).__init__(**kwargs) logger.debug('Creating PolyswarmHTTP instance') self.requests_retry_session(retries=retries) if not verify: logger.warn('Disabling TLS verification for this session.') requests.packages.urllib3.disable_warnings(category=InsecureRequestWarning) self.verify = verify if key: self.set_auth(key) if user_agent: self.set_user_agent(user_agent)
[docs] def requests_retry_session(self, retries=settings.DEFAULT_RETRIES, backoff_factor=settings.DEFAULT_BACKOFF, status_forcelist=settings.DEFAULT_RETRY_CODES): retry = Retry( total=retries, read=retries, connect=retries, backoff_factor=backoff_factor, status_forcelist=status_forcelist, ) adapter = HTTPAdapter(max_retries=retry) self.mount('http://', adapter) self.mount('https://', adapter)
[docs] def set_auth(self, key): if key: self.headers.update({'Authorization': key}) else: self.headers.pop('Authorization', None)
[docs] def set_user_agent(self, ua): if ua: self.headers.update({'User-Agent': ua}) else: self.headers.pop('User-Agent', None)
[docs]class RequestParamsEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
[docs] def default(self, obj): try: return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj) except Exception: return str(obj)
[docs]class PolyswarmRequest(object): """This class holds a requests-compatible dictionary and extra information we need to parse the response.""" def __init__(self, api_instance, request_parameters, key=None, result_parser=None, **kwargs): logger.debug('Creating PolyswarmRequest instance.\nRequest parameters: %s\nResult parser: %s', request_parameters, result_parser.__name__ if result_parser else 'No result parser') self.api_instance = api_instance # we should not access the api_instance session directly, but provide as a # parameter in the constructor, but this will do for the moment self.session = self.api_instance.session or PolyswarmSession(key, retries=settings.DEFAULT_RETRIES) self.timeout = self.api_instance.timeout or settings.DEFAULT_HTTP_TIMEOUT self.request_parameters = request_parameters self.result_parser = result_parser self.raw_result = None self.status_code = None self.status = None self.errors = None self._result = None self._paginated = False = None self.limit = None self.offset = None self.order_by = None self.direction = None self.has_more = None self.parser_kwargs = kwargs
[docs] def result(self): if self._paginated: return self.consume_results() else: return self._result
[docs] def execute(self): logger.debug('Executing request.') self.request_parameters.setdefault('timeout', self.timeout) if self.result_parser and not issubclass(self.result_parser, BaseJsonResource): self.request_parameters.setdefault('stream', True) self.raw_result = self.session.request(**self.request_parameters) logger.debug('Request returned code %s', self.raw_result.status_code) self.parse_result(self.raw_result) return self
[docs] def _bad_status_message(self): request_parameters = json.dumps(self.request_parameters, indent=4, sort_keys=True, cls=RequestParamsEncoder) message = "Error when running the request:\n{}\n" \ "Return code: {}\n" \ "Message: {}".format(request_parameters, self.status_code, self._result) if self.errors: message = '{}\nErrors:\n{}'.format(message, '\n'.join(str(error) for error in self.errors)) return message
[docs] def _extract_json_body(self, result): self.json = result.json() self._result = self.json.get('result') self.status = self.json.get('status') self.errors = self.json.get('errors')
[docs] def parse_result(self, result): self.status_code = result.status_code if self.request_parameters['method'] == 'HEAD': logger.debug('HEAD method does not return results, setting it to the status code.') self._result = self.status_code if not self.result_parser: logger.debug('Result parser is not defined, skipping parsing results.') return logger.debug('Parsing request results.') try: if self.status_code // 100 != 2: self._extract_json_body(result) if self.status_code == 429: message = '{} This may mean you need to purchase a ' \ 'larger package, or that you have exceeded ' \ 'rate limits. If you continue to have issues, ' \ 'please contact us at'.format(self._result) raise exceptions.UsageLimitsExceededException(self, message) elif self.status_code == 404: raise exceptions.NotFoundException(self, self._result) else: raise exceptions.RequestException(self, self._bad_status_message()) elif self.status_code == 204: raise exceptions.NoResultsException(self, 'The request returned no results.') elif issubclass(self.result_parser, BaseJsonResource): self._extract_json_body(result) if self.request_parameters['method'] == 'GET' and 'has_more' in self.json: # has_more will always be present, being either False or True self._paginated = True = self.json.get('total') self.limit = self.json.get('limit') self.offset = self.json.get('offset') self.order_by = self.json.get('order_by') self.direction = self.json.get('direction') self.has_more = self.json.get('has_more') if 'result' in self.json: result = self.json['result'] elif 'results' in self.json: result = self.json['results'] else: raise exceptions.RequestException( self, 'The response standard must contain either the "result" or "results" key.' ) if isinstance(result, list): self._result = self.result_parser.parse_result_list(self.api_instance, result, **self.parser_kwargs) else: self._result = self.result_parser.parse_result(self.api_instance, result, **self.parser_kwargs) else: self._result = self.result_parser.parse_result(self.api_instance, result, **self.parser_kwargs) except JSONDecodeError as e: if self.status_code == 404: raise raise_from(exceptions.NotFoundException(self, 'The requested endpoint does not exist.'), e) else: err_msg = 'Server returned non-JSON response [{}]: {}'.format(self.status_code, result) raise raise_from(exceptions.RequestException(self, err_msg), e)
[docs] def __iter__(self): return self.consume_results()
[docs] def consume_results(self): # StopIteration is deprecated # As per # We simply return upon termination condition request = self while True: # consume items from list if iterable # of yield the single result if not try: for result in request._result: yield result except TypeError: yield request._result # if the result is not a list, there is not next page return # if the server indicates that there are no more results, return if not request.has_more: return # try to get the next page and execute the request request = request.next_page()
[docs] def next_page(self): new_parameters = deepcopy(self.request_parameters) params = new_parameters.setdefault('params', {}) if isinstance(params, dict): params['offset'] = self.offset params['limit'] = self.limit else: params = [p for p in params if p[0] != 'offset' and p[0] != 'limit'] params.extend([('offset', self.offset), ('limit', self.limit)]) new_parameters['params'] = params return PolyswarmRequest( self.api_instance, new_parameters, result_parser=self.result_parser,
[docs]class BaseResource(object): def __init__(self, content, *args, **kwargs): # hack to behave as in python 3, signature should be # __init__(self, content, *args, api=None, **kwargs) api = kwargs.pop('api', None) super(BaseResource, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.api = api self._content = content @classmethod
[docs] def parse_result(cls, api, content, **kwargs): logger.debug('Parsing resource %s', cls.__name__) return cls(content, api=api, **kwargs)
[docs]class BaseJsonResource(BaseResource):
[docs] RESOURCE_ID_KEYS = ['id']
def __init__(self, content, *args, **kwargs): super(BaseJsonResource, self).__init__(content, *args, **kwargs) self.json = content
[docs] def __int__(self): id_ = getattr(self, 'id', None) if id_ is None: raise TypeError('Resource {} does not have an id and can not be cast to int'.format(type(self).__name__)) return int(id_)
[docs] def _get(self, path, default=None, content=None): """ Helper for rendering attributes of child objects in the json that might be None. Returns the default value if any item in the path is not present. """ previous_attribute = 'resource_json' obj = content or self.json try: for attribute in path.split('.'): if obj is None: raise KeyError('{} is None, can not resolve full path'.format(previous_attribute)) if attribute.endswith(']'): # handling the list case, e.g.: "root.list_attr[2]" attribute, _, index = attribute.rpartition('[') index = int(index.rstrip(']')) obj = obj[attribute] if obj is None: raise KeyError('{} is None, but is it supposed to be a list'.format(attribute)) elif not isinstance(obj, list): raise ValueError('Can not access index for {}, it is not a list.'.format(attribute)) else: obj = obj[index] else: obj = obj[attribute] previous_attribute = attribute return obj except (KeyError, IndexError) as e: logger.debug('Returning default value: %s', e) return default
[docs] def parse_result_list(cls, api_instance, json_data, **kwargs): return [cls.parse_result(api_instance, entry, **kwargs) for entry in json_data]
[docs] def _endpoint(cls, api, **kwargs): if cls.RESOURCE_ENDPOINT is None: raise exceptions.InvalidValueException('RESOURCE_ENDPOINT is not configured for this resource.') return '{api.uri}{endpoint}'.format(api=api, endpoint=cls.RESOURCE_ENDPOINT, **kwargs)
[docs] def _list_endpoint(cls, api, **kwargs): return cls._endpoint(api, **kwargs) + '/list'
[docs] def _create_endpoint(cls, api, **kwargs): return cls._endpoint(api, **kwargs)
[docs] def _get_endpoint(cls, api, **kwargs): return cls._endpoint(api, **kwargs)
[docs] def _head_endpoint(cls, api, **kwargs): return cls._endpoint(api, **kwargs)
[docs] def _update_endpoint(cls, api, **kwargs): return cls._endpoint(api, **kwargs)
[docs] def _delete_endpoint(cls, api, **kwargs): return cls._endpoint(api, **kwargs)
[docs] def _params(cls, method, *param_keys, **kwargs): params = {} json_params = {} for k, v in kwargs.items(): if v is not None: # try to parse "*_id" stuff as integer if k == 'id' or k.endswith('_id'): try: parsed_value = str(int(v)) except Exception: # fallback to string parsed_value = str(v) elif isinstance(v, bool): parsed_value = int(v) else: parsed_value = v if method == 'POST': json_params[k] = parsed_value elif method == 'GET' or k in param_keys: params[k] = parsed_value else: json_params[k] = parsed_value params = params if params else None json_params = json_params if json_params else None return params, json_params
[docs] def _list_params(cls, **kwargs): return cls._params('GET', *cls.RESOURCE_ID_KEYS, **kwargs)
[docs] def _create_params(cls, **kwargs): return cls._params('POST', *cls.RESOURCE_ID_KEYS, **kwargs)
[docs] def _get_params(cls, **kwargs): return cls._params('GET', *cls.RESOURCE_ID_KEYS, **kwargs)
[docs] def _head_params(cls, **kwargs): return cls._params('HEAD', *cls.RESOURCE_ID_KEYS, **kwargs)
[docs] def _update_params(cls, **kwargs): return cls._params('PUT', *cls.RESOURCE_ID_KEYS, **kwargs)
[docs] def _delete_params(cls, **kwargs): return cls._params('DELETE', *cls.RESOURCE_ID_KEYS, **kwargs)
[docs] def _list_headers(cls, api): return None
[docs] def _create_headers(cls, api): return None
[docs] def _get_headers(cls, api): return None
[docs] def _head_headers(cls, api): return None
[docs] def _update_headers(cls, api): return None
[docs] def _delete_headers(cls, api): return None
[docs] def _build_request(cls, api, method, url, headers, params, json_params): request_params = {'method': method, 'url': url} if params: request_params['params'] = params if json_params: request_params['json'] = json_params if headers: request_params['headers'] = headers return PolyswarmRequest(api, request_params, result_parser=cls)
[docs] def create(cls, api, **kwargs): return cls._build_request(api, 'POST', cls._create_endpoint(api, **kwargs), cls._create_headers(api), *cls._create_params(**kwargs)).execute()
[docs] def get(cls, api, **kwargs): return cls._build_request(api, 'GET', cls._get_endpoint(api, **kwargs), cls._get_headers(api), *cls._get_params(**kwargs)).execute()
[docs] def head(cls, api, **kwargs): return cls._build_request(api, 'HEAD', cls._head_endpoint(api, **kwargs), cls._head_headers(api), *cls._head_params(**kwargs)).execute()
[docs] def update(cls, api, **kwargs): return cls._build_request(api, 'PUT', cls._update_endpoint(api, **kwargs), cls._update_headers(api), *cls._update_params(**kwargs)).execute()
[docs] def delete(cls, api, **kwargs): return cls._build_request(api, 'DELETE', cls._delete_endpoint(api, **kwargs), cls._delete_headers(api), *cls._delete_params(**kwargs)).execute()
[docs] def list(cls, api, **kwargs): return cls._build_request(api, 'GET', cls._list_endpoint(api, **kwargs), cls._list_headers(api), *cls._list_params(**kwargs)).execute()
[docs]def is_hex(value): try: _ = int(value, 16) return True except ValueError: return False
[docs]def is_valid_sha1(value): if len(value) != 40: return False return is_hex(value)
[docs]def is_valid_md5(value): if len(value) != 32: return False return is_hex(value)
[docs]def is_valid_sha256(value): if len(value) != 64: return False return is_hex(value)
[docs]class Hashable(object):
[docs] SUPPORTED_HASH_TYPES = { 'sha1': is_valid_sha1, 'sha256': is_valid_sha256, 'md5': is_valid_md5,
} def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): # hack to behave as in python 3, signature should be # __init__(self, content, *args, hash_value=None, hash_type=None, validate_hash=False, **kwargs) hash_value = kwargs.pop('hash_value', None) hash_type = kwargs.pop('hash_type', None) validate_hash = kwargs.pop('validate_hash', False) super(Hashable, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._hash = hash_value.strip() if hash_value is not None else None if hash_type: if hash_type not in self.SUPPORTED_HASH_TYPES: raise exceptions.InvalidValueException('Hash type provided is not supported.') self._hash_type = hash_type else: self._hash_type = self.resolve_hash_type() if self._hash_type is None: raise exceptions.InvalidValueException('Invalid hash provided: {}'.format(self._hash)) if validate_hash: self.validate() @property
[docs] def hash(self): return self._hash
@hash.setter def hash(self, value): self._hash = value.strip() if value is not None else None @property
[docs] def hash_type(self): return self._hash_type
[docs] def validate(self): hash_type = self.resolve_hash_type() if self.hash_type != hash_type: raise exceptions.InvalidValueException('Detected hash type {}, got type {} for hash {}' .format(hash_type, self.hash_type, self.hash))
[docs] def resolve_hash_type(self): for hash_type, validator in self.SUPPORTED_HASH_TYPES.items(): if validator(self._hash): return hash_type return None
[docs] def raw(self): return unhexlify(self.hash)
[docs] def __eq__(self, other): return self.hash == other
[docs]def parse_isoformat(date_string): """Parses the current date format version """ if isinstance(date_string, (, dt.datetime)): return date_string elif date_string: return parser.isoparse(date_string) else: return None